GPTZero is a powerful AI detection tool with a plagiarism score, making it easy to detect AI-generated texts. Trusted by education institutions worldwide and featured in major news outlets, it supports batch uploads and seamless integration through its API. Improve your content evaluation with GPTZero.
About GPTZero
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About GPTZero
GPTZero is an advanced AI detection tool specifically designed for educators and individuals seeking to identify AI-generated texts. With over a million users, our tool has gained recognition from prestigious news outlets such as CNN, BBC, and The New York Times.
Plagiarism Score and Sentence Highlighting
GPTZero offers a comprehensive plagiarism score that analyzes and determines the amount of AI-generated content within any document. Our tool not only calculates the score but also highlights individual sentences that are generated by AI, making it effortless for users to identify them.
Batch Uploads for Efficient Checking
As educators, we understand the importance of saving time. GPTZero supports batch uploads, enabling users to effortlessly upload multiple files at once. This feature is particularly useful for educators who want to check an entire classroom's work in a single go.
GPTZero API for Seamless Integration
The GPTZero API allows organizations to seamlessly integrate our detection tool into their existing systems. Our API is user-friendly and customizable, and our dedicated team provides integration support to ensure it meets the specific needs of our clients. The API's documentation is easily accessible through our website.
Trusted by Renowned Institutions
GPTZero is a trusted tool for detecting AI-generated text and has been widely adopted by prominent educational institutions such as NYU and Purdue. We continuously strive to enhance and improve our tool to better serve the needs of educators. To achieve this, we collaborate with organizations like K16 Solutions and Canvas, ensuring constant updates and improvements.