


BabyBeeAGI is a modified version of OG BabyAGI, a Python-based lightweight implementation of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). With 300 lines of code, it requires GPT-4 and is slower than BabyAGI. Designed for builders to experiment with, it's available on Replit. Fork it, add your OpenAI API Key, update the OBJECTIVE variable, and hit "Run". Be mindful as it's buggy and should be turned off when done. Ideal for tinkering and experimenting with AGI development, not for users expecting immediate results. Made with love by @yoheinakajima, find BabyBeeAGI on Github.

About BabyBeeAGI

Welcome to BabyBeeAGI! Our AI tool is a modified version of OG BabyAGI, a lightweight implementation of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in Python. With just around 300 lines of code (200 lines without comments, prints, and empty lines), BabyBeeAGI provides a great platform for builders to experiment and tinker with AGI development.

Please note that BabyBeeAGI requires GPT-4 and runs at a slower pace compared to BabyAGI. It is important to keep in mind that this tool is not designed for users seeking immediate results or complete solutions. Instead, it is meant for individuals who want to explore and play around with AGI development.

To get started with BabyBeeAGI, you can easily access the tool on Replit. Simply fork it into a private Repl, add your OpenAI API Key (required), and optionally include your SerpAPI Key. Next, update the OBJECTIVE variable to suit your experimentation goals, and finally, press "Run" at the top. However, please be aware that the code runs continuously, so it is advised to turn it off when you're done.

BabyBeeAGI was created with love by @yoheinakajima and can be found on Github. We hope you enjoy using our tool and have fun exploring the exciting world of AGI development!


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