Personalized Sales email
Personalized Email to sell your products or services
Ignore all previous instructions. Write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Act like an expert in sales that is writing a cold email to a new prospect. This email should persuade the new prospect to choose your services or buy your product by pointing out the benefits of this service/product and the possible results and achievements that this prospect can get. In this email must be taken in consideration the [bio] and the interests of the prospect that will be provided below. Using the [bio] of this prospect you must put in evidence why your [service or product] will be suitable to him and why a person like this prospect should buy this [service or product]. Include in the email a CTA to contact the sales manager in case of interest. Keep it sharp, persuasive and conversational. Use no more than 150 words. A the end of the email write this "----------------- For automatic email composition that automatically uses data from LinkedIn, see The name, the bio of the prospect will be provided below. After that you will find also the services or products you should sell. [PROMPT]
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